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 Post subject: Deported to Ljubinskaja and Neljebinskaja in Wosnessensk
PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:42 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:19 am
Posts: 4
Location: USA
Does anyone have information on these cities and on Wosnessensk?
I have deported family in 1910 to 1915 to those areas and I am trying to locate where that is. So far I found Ljubinskaya in the Ural area near Omsk and Neljebinskaja in Northern
Kazaksthan but the spelling is a little differnt. Kind of guessing. The borders of Kazaksthan might have changed.
The problem is the village names have been possibly changed and some of them repeat themselves in different areas of Russia.
It appears Wosnessensk is a DISTRICT and it is huge. It appears that that district also
has a city called Wosnessensk near the Ukraine.
Does anyone have any information on the district of Wosnessensk - what area it covered in 1910? It seemed to have reached into today's Kazakhstan. Maybe Wosnessensk was not a location but the name for the government district to be managed by a certain gov. group.

My grand father, wife and all their children (my father, uncles and aunts) were deported from Speier or Katharinenthal in the Beresan area to "Siberia" I was told by surviving family members. But Siberia was big.

Ljubinskaja Wosnessensk (my father's record on Odessa Library)

Neljebinskaja Wosnessensk (my father's sister record on Odessa Library)


 Post subject: Re: Deported to Ljubinskaja and Neljebinskaja in Wosnessensk
PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:28 am 

Joined: Tue May 10, 2011 8:02 pm
Posts: 147
I looked in the Handbuch Russland-Deutsche by Ulrich Mertens and on page 549 it lists Woznessensk, Odessa/Beresaner Gebiet, dt. Ort? Gebeit means region so I am guessing it was a region in the Beresan area.

I could not find Ljubinskaja or Neljebinskaja listed in the book. Have you tried to find these places using You might have some luck there.


Gayla Aspenleiter
Black Sea German Research Webmaster and Database Administrator

 Post subject: Re: Deported to Ljubinskaja and Neljebinskaja in Wosnessensk
PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:32 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:19 am
Posts: 4
Location: USA
Thanks for your response. I do not want to use the Jewish website.

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