On-line forum for Germans from Russia Researchers

Borodino / Bess. Colonist - Ancestor's Villages In Germany
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Author:  remmick [ Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Borodino / Bess. Colonist - Ancestor's Villages In Germany


Starting at the above URL, I have placed German-Russian colonists of Borodino / Bessarabia, S. Russia German villages from which the colonists listed as having migrated eastward and settled in Borodino. If I have additional information with ancestors villages, I have added them when I could.

Unfortunately, not all the information collected is accurate. I and others have and do make errors.

Even though we may know the name of a village, there may be many places with the same name. Therefore, I have listed the villages with the same name when I could find them.

Many of the villages no longer exist. This makes it almost impossible to find them. Sometimes I was lucky and found them.

Baden, Wuerttemberg and other German states have changed their borders many times. A colonist may have listed having migrated from Bavaria but today it may be in Rhineland-Pfalz (Palatinate).

Let me give you and example:

Aldingen/ Ludwigsburg, Wu. (this is given first because it tells us what place names are given in records, word of mouth, letters, articles). I then follow with modern names placed in brackets [Aldingen / Bourough of Remsseck, Ludwigsburg Dist., Baden-Wuerttemberg]

If I can give location of the village, I do. If I have found history, I do that, also. Photographs will appear later as I have time.

There are maps.

There are sections that give more information on the various districts like Ludwigsburg with location and history, which helps when individual villages don't have histories found. Along with the district, when I found the information, I have placed the villages. The ones in green tell you that a Borodino colonists or his/her ancestor lived, married, died or migr. from.... For those of you whos ancestor did not settle in Borodino, take a look, because you might be surprised and find your own village mentioned and might find cousins or old family friends....

The site is under construction.

If you find an error, please, let me know.

If you'd like to add your family to this section, they need to have connections to Borodino /Bess..

Contact me at:

PS: Some colonists were from Alsace, Switzerland, Poland. These are to be worked, also, as I have time.

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