Jackie, I have the following information about Halbstadt from
Ulrich Mertens; "Handbuch Russland-Deutsche" (I have the German copy (
http://www.u-mertens.de/handbuch.html) of this trusted guide to villages in Russia ):
Halbstadt (Katjuschino), Odessa/ Beresaner Gebiet/ Petrowka, * 1869, Kath. (Shoenfeld)/men., Land: 3.076 Dessj.; gegr. von Beresanrern; an der Grenze zum Gebiet Nikolajew;
Einw, 317 (1905), 320 (1913), 317 (1914), 605 (1919)
Which I translate as
Halbstadt (Katjuschino :Russian name?), Odessa district/ Beresan Region/ Petrowka,
founded 1869, Catholic (Shoenfeld?)/mennonite?., on 8.4 acres of land;
founded by Beresaners, on the border of the territory Nikolayev;
Inhabitants, 317 (in 1905), 320 (in 1913), 317 (in 1914), 605 (in 1919)
GRHC sells an expanded version of this book translated to English at
Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website