On-line forum for Germans from Russia Researchers

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Author:  jkeller [ Thu Apr 08, 2021 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Stich

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to get past a brick wall in my family research on my paternal grandmother's side. The surnames are Stich/Lutz.

Karl Stich was born about 1865 in "Russia", he married Marie/Maria Lutz (born about 1873 in "Russia") about 1895 in Kischinew (I just came across a copy of marriage banns, I'm hoping someone here can help me with a translation. Record at Familysearch. They came to Canada on the SS Lake Erie in May 1903 with 4 children; Michael (7), Friedrich (5), Carolina (3) and Ekaterina (1 month).

I have pretty much everything in Canada researched, but if someone could help with any European records that would be great!

Author:  morbeus [ Thu Apr 08, 2021 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stich

Hello JKeller;

I have a suggestion on how to find the village they came from. Each one of these sea voyages from Europe to Canada or return required two lists of the passengers. First when they boarded the ship and the second list when the passengers disembarked. My folks took a train from Russia to Hamburg and then sailed from Hamburg to New York in 1890. On the passenger list when they arrived in the USA almost all of the immigrants were from "Russia" including my family When I searched the Hamburg embarkation list for the passengers as they boarded in Hamburg it was quite different. It named almost all the passenger's villages and where they came from in Russia.

So my suggestion is to check the steamships boarding list for more information about where they came from.

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