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 Post subject: Introducing Myself
PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:59 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:09 pm
Posts: 8
Since there doesn't appear to be a separate forum for introductions, I'll do it here.

My name is Nathanael Culver, and I am descended from a number of Black Sea German lines, including Johanna Bartsch (b. 1874, Alexanderfeld, Russia) and John Richter (b. 1869, Strassburg, Russia). I also have Pfleugers, Heilmans, Eberts, Schmidts, Seiferts and others in my tree. My BSG relations are scattered throughout the Dakotas, Montana and (apparently) Saskatchewan.

My primary source for by BSG ancestry comes from "The Bartsch Family: A Genealogical Summary, 1830-1982" published in 1982 by Sr. Cecelia Bartsch of the Urseline Convent in Saskatchewan.

I've spent most of my life researching other lines, but recently stumbled across this place, and would be most interested in contacts with other family historians.

--Nathanael Culver

 Post subject: Re: Introducing Myself
PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:50 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:25 am
Posts: 18
Location: Oklahoma/North Dakota
I'm researching my own family line, and extending out into two of the branches as I help cousins find their families. One of my main focuses is finding the "lost and forgotten" ones that others have given up finding.

When I get frustrated with that endeavor, I look into the history and culture of Crimea overall, and particularly as concerns our German ancestors. It's such a beautiful place, and it has such a rich--and tragic--history. The culture as it stood prior to the primary Revolution (there were several failed revolutions) was incredibly diverse and and fascinating. Books from the 19th century are very enlightening, and as I move into books from the early 20th century and later,'s appalling.

Even though most of my family came to America, they were deeply affected by events in their former homeland, and were haunted by the fate--sometimes known, usually not known--of the relatives and friends who stayed behind. My grandmother, who was 15 years old when they left Crimea, loved her homeland and missed it to her dying day, even as she mourned what seemed to her to be it's passing.

 Post subject: Re: Introducing Myself
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:26 am 

Joined: Tue May 10, 2011 8:02 pm
Posts: 147
Welcome to the forum Nathanael. It you have a GEDCOM of your family tree you should consider adding it to the Black Sea database. It's a great way to "pay it forward" and most likely you will get responses from others also researching your surnames. Instructions for submitting a GEDCOM can be found here and here

If you have any questions about submitting GEDCOMs to our databse, please see our thread called GEDCOM Submissions Q & A here in the forum.

Gayla Aspenleiter
Black Sea German Research Webmaster and Database Administrator

 Post subject: Re: Introducing Myself
PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:25 am 

Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:09 pm
Posts: 8
Thanks for the replies.

I'll definitely add my database here, as soon as I finish it off. Everything's entered, but I want to finish a once-through for mistakes.

I've already discovered connections to others here. Can't wait to get at 'em.


 Post subject: Introducing Myself
PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:49 am 

Joined: Thu May 03, 2012 7:18 am
Posts: 1
Hello to the list

I am new here and would like to introduse myself: My name is Eveline Tiefenbach (Walsh), married 1974 into the Tiefenbach family, live in Germany and hoping I am going to find some help to go or anyone that connects with my Tiefenbach family, any help is appreciated.

I am researching my father in law family, he was Wilhelm "Willi" Tiefenbach b. 25 Sep 1925 in Rowno/Luk, and died 1984, he was a POW in the USA from 1944-1946, to this day I have not been able to find his birth records, I have wrote the Rowno Archives but also never recieved a answer. His parents were Robert "Hermann" Tiefenbach b. 1881 in Marianka and mother Pauline Richter b. 1896 in Rowno ??, Not sure of birth town. Robert is found as Diefenbach in the Russian Church Books, only listed as Robert but was called Hermann. In 1939, Wilhelm and his parents emmigrated to Posen, I have the emmigration records, so I was able to find the parents to Hermann and Pauline, Hermann father was Johann Diefenbach and Albertine Klohn. My Tiefenbach family came from Calmbach, Bad Wildbad, Württemberg Germany and the 1805 moved to Kolonie Neu Württemberg, Tkaczew, Warszawa, Johann parents were Johannes b. 7 Apr 1803 in Wildbad, Calmbach and Margerete Hirter b. abt. 1806 Tkaczewska Gora (Neu-Wuerttemberg), Zgierz, Lodzkie, Poland, she died 1847 in Aleksandrow, Zgierz, Lodzkie, Poland. As of SGGEE Johann *1828 is found that he married Beate Gutsch 1848 in Zgierz and she died 1855 in Poland. It is known that the Gutsch family traveled together to the Volhynia, I have found many spellings to Gutsch in the Odessa Library. In 1862 my Johann *1828 ?? , married Albertine Klohn, so now I am also trying to find the connection to Volhynia, Johann and Klohn first child was born 1866, so there must be more children before this marriage in 1862 to Beate Gutsch

In the emigration records parents to Pauline Richter were listed as Andreas Richert and Agathe ??, both died in Russia in the Blacksea database I found Agathe Scherer b. 1874 in Baden, Odessa, she has a daughter listed as Regina Richter b. 9 Jun 1899 in Strassburg, Odessa, Regina married Alois Jundt b. 11 Feb 1897 in Selz, Odessa, also found daughter Barbara Jundt, b. 1 Apr 1922 in Strassburg, Odessa. Was wondering if anyone or can help me to find more info to Agathe Scherer and her children, in the Odessa Library I found Agathe Richter, maiden name Scherer EWZ Index for Miscellaneous Films 214 (E. Wise), has anyone looked at this film and can give me info. It is possible that this could be my Agathe that I have been looking for sometime.

Thank you all to the list for taking the time to read my little problem here and hoping that someone can help and your help is very appreciated.
Best regards and Greetings from Germany
Eveline Tiefenbach

 Post subject: Re: Introducing Myself
PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:25 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:29 pm
Posts: 12
My name is Ludwig Feist

My families primarily come from strassburg russia from baden Germany.

Currently Researching Feist and Lauinger primarily.

 Post subject: Re: Introducing Myself
PostPosted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:52 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:19 pm
Posts: 5
you should talk with Peter Goldade. he has the Jundt from Selz. He might be able to help you.

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